Our changing climate starts to put the individuals in harm’s way. Sustainability seems to matter everywhere, and the fashion industry is no exception as terms like up-cycling and recyclable materials become more common than any other time.
Coming to think about where the fashion industry is in terms of sustainability, how competitors fare and how to better adapt to the notion of sustainability, a Global Fashion Agenda initiative in partnership with Boston Consulting Group is worth an attention. Pulse of the Fashion Industry reports to all players in the field of fashion the industry’s socio-environmental influences and how to better adapt to sustainability as a fashion brand, based on a Attainable Apparel Coalition index scheme Higg Index.
For forward-looking name brands in the fashion industry, we describe below the comprehensive sustainability analyses available in the initiative:
The Pulse Score
The Pulse Score assesses in 1-to-100 scale the fashion industry’s socio-environmental influences using Higg Index. Tallying 32 marks in 2017, the fashion industry has seen improvement this year, marking the record 38.
Segmented analyses by brand’s price level and product category break down as follows:
How do fashion experts view our industry in terms of sustainability?
See below for the results of surveying 90 senior managerial posts in charge of the matter of sustainability serving in the fashion industry spanning from name brands to small enterprises:
Compared to last year more companies have started the groundwork by setting targets.
Even those companies that do not have sustainability targets occasionally engage in the topic.
Raw materials and manufacturing will remain high on the agenda and focus on end-of-use will increase.
European companies are more advanced in formulating detailed sustainability targets for each impact area.
Volume of sustainable materials has increased significantly in the last year.
The most-improved value chain steps are design and development and end-of-use.
The initiative gives all of us, brand managers, vendors to brands and other key fashion industry players, clear insight into the brands’ caring about sustainability demonstrated by their efforts paid and tangible outputs.
Leading the nation’s down and feather industry and certified by both RDS and bluesign® for the first time in Korea, PRAUDEN stays at the forefront of preserving fashion’s sustainability hoping more companies join ‘sustainability stream.’
You can find out more about the initiative here.
By Lee Su-kyung, Brand Part, PRAUDEN