[Video] Why is DOWN an eco-friendly material?
As sustainability is emerging as a common goal of the global textile industry, interest in eco-friendly materials is growing ever high. DOWN is a representative eco-friendly material as a by-product of the food industry because it goes through minimal processing, such as washing and separation, during production and can be used for a long time. DOWN is also natural and biodegradable after use, making it much more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials.
The scientific basis for the eco-friendliness of DOWN has been made into an easy-to-understand video. The video is available on YouTube for customers and end-users, so let’s take a look.
More details on the eco-friendliness of DOWN can be found below.
[Posting] Scientific evidence of the eco-friendliness of DOWN
[Report] IDFB(International Down & Feather Bureau)
By Lee Su-kyung, Brand Part